FAQ: Are your formulas safe for nursing mothers?

FAQ: Are your formulas safe for nursing mothers?

Posted by TriLight Health on Sep 1st 2020

Q- Are your formulas safe for nursing mothers?

We have a section that is specifically considered pregnancy safe here. As with anything, please check with your doctor if you have any other concerns or are taking another medication. One thing to pay attention to is that it could change the taste of the milk for the infant.

As long as you use the formulas about half an hour before nursing with their recommended dosages you can use them while nursing. However, like I said before, just be aware that the taste of the milk for the baby could be affected. And watch for rashes due to allergies. If so discontinue use. You can also introduce it to yourself in smaller dosages at first and increase over time. For example, start 1/8th of the dosage and then increase from there, so the baby has a change to adjust to the taste.