Herbal Bedwetting and Urinary Incontinence Support

Herbal Bedwetting and Urinary Incontinence Support

Posted by TriLight Health on Aug 8th 2023

Urinary incontinence is not likely to be a water cooler topic at work. However, we know from over 25 years in business, its more common than you'd think. Just as your child is not likely to tell their friends, "I wet my bed last night-" even though some of their friends did too. These are a part of life for a variety of reasons. Possible causes include tress, dietary issues, muscular development, hormones, infections, and more. Fortunately, herbal bedwetting support and herbal urinary incontinence support are available. 

A Gentle and Effective Option

B-Dry is one of the only 100% herb based formulas available in the United States with this mix of herbs. It was created for us based on a traditional Chinese medicine formula that's been used for centuries. Rather than suppressing and masking problems, this formula works to strengthen the system. It's extremely gentle and can be used by children and the elderly.

In this formula you'll find:

*Black Cardamon- a lesser-known Chinese herb traditionally used for liver and digestive support. 
Lindera- more widely known as Wu Yao. Has a wide range of traditional uses including pain relief and liver & kidney support. 
Discoria Tuber- this is actually a type of yam! Chinese medicine has used it for centuries for the kidneys and spleen. 
*Cinnamon- yes, the same one you cook with. We've included it for its benefits to the gastrointestinal and urinary tract. 
*Saint John's Wort- used by cultures and herbalists worldwide for infections and pain as well as urinary and digestive support. 

*Ingredients are Certified Organic.

How YOU Use It

Our customers tell us they use B-DRY for:

  • Overnight bedwetting in deep sleeping older children
  • Laughter/giggle-related incontinence 
  • With special needs and disabled children
  • Frequently waking for night urination  
  • Recurring UTIs
  • Bedwetting toddlers and preschoolers
  • Urinary leakage with movement
  • Postpartum incontinence 
  • Overactive bladder

We've even heard from customers who were able to avoid surgery by using this formula! 

While customers often see results after only a few doses, a tonic approach is often needed with B-Dry. It can be used up to three months and longer as needed. This gives the system time to strengthen and obtain the nutrients needed. We also recommend partnering with Original Herbal Minerals. To provide the right balance of vitamins and minerals been historically known to help control bedwetting and urinary incontinence.

"My child had several years of a few times a week wetting the bed. We discontinued the alarm bed pad after a couple of dry weeks. As long as she gets this at least in the evening, she stays dry. A LIFESAVER.." Michele

Get yours for 10% off all month long! Find it here