This natural and potent parasite cleansing formula safely and effectively eliminates, flushes and detoxes. Natural organic herbs blended synergistically in a non-alcoholic and sugar-free glycerine base giving an enjoyable taste for children and yet a strong potent formula for adults. Worm Out was passed down to us from Medicine Bear of Cherokee Heritage with years of success. We have been using this formula here at TriLight for over 20 years now!*
"I have used this on and off since the start of the year and I feel much better. My GI system certainly works better." - Laura
Cost Per Ounce Bottle Comparison
- 2 oz at $14.95 is: $7.47 per ounce
- 8 oz at $45.95 is: $5.74 per ounce
- 32 oz at $139.95 is: $4.37 per ounce
For Maximum Results we Recommend our 3-Step Parasite Cleanse
1 - WEAKEN or neutralize parasites so they will release their hold in the body. We recommend using raw garlic and/or Garlic Capsules (3 daily with meals). This step usually takes a good week to 10 days before moving to the next step. Eat cleansing foods to get or keep the bowels moving.*
2 - FLUSH parasites and their toxins from the body with our Worm Out formula. Begin with 10 days on, then 10 days off, then 10 days on again. Suggested Use: 1/2 teaspoon (per 25 lbs. body weight) straight or in water every 3 hours for at least 3 times per day. For maximum results, it is important to have enough Worm Out for the entire cleanse (See dosage chart to determine how much you will need). Continue to drink enough water and eat cleansing foods to keep the bowels moving. Cleansing the colon at this time is imperative to prevent the body from becoming overloaded with toxins from parasite die-off.*
3 - STRENGTHEN and balance body organs and systems with a variety of whole foods, nutrients and probiotics. We recommend using NOW Probiotics. Herbs that help cleanse the blood are also recommended. This step is important after flushing with Worm Out and helps prevent re-infestation.*
Check out our Parasite Cleansing Wellness Kits, which include All 3 Products:
Read our Parasite Cleanse FAQs
Suggested Use:
1/2 teaspoon (per 25 lbs. body weight) straight or in water every 3 hours for at least 3 times per day, as needed, for up to 10 days, then 10 days off, then repeat 10 days on. This may vary according to your diet, health and age. For maximum results, it is important to have enough Worm Out for the entire cleanse (See dosage chart below to determine how much you will need):*