Understanding Herbal Preparations: Sitz Bath

Understanding Herbal Preparations: Sitz Bath

Posted by TriLight Health on Oct 8th 2022

The Sitz Bath is going to be most familiar to people familiar as part of childbirth recovery. This is an herbal preparation used by generations of newly postpartum mothers. Childbirth is not the only instance where these are used, however. This post will share more ways a sitz bath is used and how a one is prepared. 

What is a sitz bath?

A sitz bath is similar to an herbal bath. The main difference is that a sitz bath is used only around the genitals and anus.

How is it used?

A special sitz bath rub can be used that is placed in the toilet seat. They can also be done in the tub though it is a bit more awkward. Sitz baths are used to heal damage and irritation to the genitals, anus, and perineum. Typically a sitz bath is used several times per day.

How is it made?

Bathtub method-

- First, ensure your tub is extremely clean. Rinse until no soap or cleaning product residue is left.
- Add enough warm water to cover your hips
- Place your sitz bath herbs in the water (the herbs usually go into a muslin bag that resembles a large tea bag) 

           Alternatively, the herbs can be first brewed as an infusion and poured into the water.
          Sometimes epsom salts, hydrosols, or other substances are added

- Soak for 15-20 minutes!
- Rinse off

If using a sitz bath toilet insert, follow the instructions in the insert.

What herbs are commonly used?

It is important to use gentle herbs that are safe for contact with this sensitive area. Herbs used for a sitz bath include-

- Calendula
Uva Ursi
- Witch Hazel

-Liquid witch hazel, baking soda, and/or epsom salts are often added as well