Understanding Herbal Use:  Ayurvedic Medicine

Understanding Herbal Use: Ayurvedic Medicine

Posted by TriLight Health on Oct 31st 2023

Last month we talked about Chinese Medicine as an approach to herbalism. Today we'll stay in Eastern Medicine and talk about Ayurvedic Medicine. Also known as Ayurveda. 

What is Ayurvedic Medicine?

Ayurvedic Medicine originated thousands of years ago in India. It is still widely practiced today and incorporated into many different approaches. The word Ayurveda means "science of life." This practice believes our bodies are made of three primary doshas- vata, kapha, and pitta. An imbalance in any of these is thought to bring illness and dis-ease to the body. 

How do they use herbs?

Herbs are a primary aspect of this approach. They will be used alongside diet and lifestyle changes in care. Herbs are incorporated into food and drinks as well. If you've ever heard of "golden milk" or "moon milk," both are Ayurvedic beverages. Herbs might also be taken in capsules, tinctures, or used topically. 

How does an Ayurvedic practioner work?

A thorough intake will be held. During this time the practioner will assess which dosha is strongest and which are imbalanced. They will do a thorough physical exam. Muscle tone, skin pallor, tongue coating, and even your fingernails will be examined. After which specific foods will be suggested along with an herbal protocol.

Self-massage is a key component in this approach. Different oils are chosen for the massage based on your specific dosha.  Different exercises and mind-body methods may also be suggested. Yoga is a key component in Ayurvedic care for most folks. 

In some states Ayurvedic practioners can be licensed as healthcare providers and serve as a Primary Care Physician. In other states they may be trained as Naturopaths or Functional Medicine Doctors in order to receive licensure.  

What TriLight formulas are Ayurvedic Medicine based?

We worked with a master Ayurveda practioner to create our ADHD formula

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