TLH Blog

Snooze EZ- our July Special of the Month

Snooze EZ- our July Special of the Month

Posted by TriLight Health on Jul 12th 2024

Summer travel season is in full swing. One of the top struggles travelers report is insomnia. This can come from time zone changes, a strange bed, and a change in routine. We've been there and are sur … read more
Herb of the Month: Fennel

Herb of the Month: Fennel

Posted by TriLight Health on Jun 27th 2024

Fennel is one of the most gentle herbs you'll encounter. It's commonly used with infants, children, and the elderly. The seeds are most often used in herbal preparations. However, you will find her … read more
Tummy Plus- Our May Special of the Month

Tummy Plus- Our May Special of the Month

Posted by TriLight Health on May 7th 2024

Summer is right around the corner. With summer comes travel, sunshine, and change in routine. Stomach aches and discomfort may occur with some of our favorites of the season. This summer, don't let st … read more
Parasite Cleansing Made Easy

Parasite Cleansing Made Easy

Posted by TriLight Health on Nov 9th 2023

Nobody wants to talk about parasites. It makes us squeamish to think about. However, they are an overlooked reality- especially among Americans. Parasites can cause a host of health issues and symptom … read more
Herbal Headache and Migraine Support

Herbal Headache and Migraine Support

Posted by TriLight Health on Oct 10th 2023

Did you know there are more headaches reported in autumn than any other time of year? We thought this month would be a good time to talk headaches and migraines.  People often think of turning to … read more
Understanding Herbal Use: Cherokee Medicine

Understanding Herbal Use: Cherokee Medicine

Posted by TriLight Health on Oct 3rd 2023

The month we explored Eastern Herbalism. This month we will look at Cherokee Herbal Medicine. TriLight Health worked extensively with a Cherokee healer to create several of our formulas. We're ex … read more
Understanding Herbal Preparations: Tincture

Understanding Herbal Preparations: Tincture

Posted by TriLight Health on Jul 13th 2023

Herbal tinctures are one of the most widely used herbal preparations. They are also one of the oldest forms of using herbs. Cultures worldwide have stuck to this method for several reasons. One being … read more