TLH Blog

Herb of the Month: Linden

Herb of the Month: Linden

Posted by TriLight Health on Jul 24th 2024

Our herb this month is from a tree that originated in Eastern Europe, the Linden tree. Also known as lime tree- though it does not grow limes! It's an easy plant to identify by its cute heart-shapes l … read more
Herb of the Month: Ginger

Herb of the Month: Ginger

Posted by TriLight Health on May 30th 2024

Ginger ale and peppermint tea are often the first experience folks have with herbs. This funky looking zesty root is a household name around the world. Behind it's obvious use in ginger ale, it's a cu … read more
Herb of the Month: Garlic

Herb of the Month: Garlic

Posted by TriLight Health on Nov 14th 2023

Garlic has a vast history of both herbal use and folk lore. We've all heard the stories of vampires and garlic- they happen to be based in a bit of truth. Consuming raw garlic has been traditionally f … read more
FAQ: How do I talk to my doctor about herbs?

FAQ: How do I talk to my doctor about herbs?

Posted by TriLight Health on Oct 20th 2023

Q-How do I talk to my doctor about herbs?A- Unlike some European countries where doctors & pharmacists are trained in herbal medicine, doctors here in the United States are generally not offe … read more
Herb of the Month: Pau d'Arco

Herb of the Month: Pau d'Arco

Posted by TriLight Health on Sep 19th 2023

Pau d'Arco is native to South America. Its benefits quickly spread around the world as word spread about this amazing herb. It's a unique herb both in the wide range of properties and flavor. Harveste … read more
Herbal Immune System Support

Herbal Immune System Support

Posted by TriLight Health on Sep 12th 2023

We have all been there, fresh off of a fun summer when the first illness of the season hits. It's never any fun and makes adjusting to the rhythm of autumn difficult. Back to school season is upo … read more
Herb of the Day: Feverfew

Herb of the Day: Feverfew

Posted by TriLight Health on Mar 5th 2019

On occasion, we get lucky with the name of an herb giving us a special clue about the herb itself. Feverfew happens to be one such herb. As the name implies, feverfew is traditionally used to help r … read more
Herbs & Love

Herbs & Love

Posted by TriLight Health on Feb 14th 2019

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re taking a look at herbs and love. No, we’re not just talking aphrodisiac herbs here. For centuries, different herbs have been associated with love. Whether these a … read more