Natural Relief for Menstrual Cramps

Natural Relief for Menstrual Cramps

Posted by TriLight Health on Apr 16th 2019

Menstrual cramps plague millions of women every month around the world. Natural remedies for menstrual cramps can be extremely effective. However, if you have any questions about the intensity of your cramps make sure to ask your healthcare provider. If cramps are getting in the way of your life, it’s worth further investigation.

Heat- the classic approach for a heat pack can be extremely helpful. Many women prefer hot water bottles.

Yoga- When we’re crampy, we often don’t want to move. However, movement can be extremely beneficial. Yoga videos can be located online to specifically help relieve cramps.

Herbs- Ginger, chamomile, raspberry leaf, basil, peppermint parsley,and fennel are all herbs that are commonly used. They can be used in teas, food, tinctures, and more.

Female Formula- Our famous herbal blend created specifically to help relieve menstrual pain.

Diet- We often crave sweets and junk food during our cycles. These foods may actually make cramps worse. Focus on healthy foods and fats.

Sunshine- Vitamin D deficiency may be a contributing factor to menstrual cramps.

Evaluate menstrual products- Many women report drastic reduction in cramps when swapping to reusable menstrual cups, cloth pads, or organic cotton menstrual products.

REST- Studies have shown that women who slow their lives down more during the time of month they usually have worst cramps find more relief with rest and stress relief.

Perhaps we need to open up women’s yoga centers that provide delicious tea, hot water bottles and relaxing hammocks in the sun after class!

What do you do to help relieve cramps?

TriLight Health employees are not licensed practitioners and cannot prescribe which products you should use. Our comments are educational. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, please see our pregnancy safe section. As with all our formulas, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, please consult your health care practitioner before using products with any other medications. *Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.