TLH Blog

Tummy Plus- Our May Special of the Month

Tummy Plus- Our May Special of the Month

Posted by TriLight Health on May 7th 2024

Summer is right around the corner. With summer comes travel, sunshine, and change in routine. Stomach aches and discomfort may occur with some of our favorites of the season. This summer, don't let st … read more
Understanding Herbal Use: Cherokee Medicine

Understanding Herbal Use: Cherokee Medicine

Posted by TriLight Health on Oct 3rd 2023

The month we explored Eastern Herbalism. This month we will look at Cherokee Herbal Medicine. TriLight Health worked extensively with a Cherokee healer to create several of our formulas. We're ex … read more
Herb of the Month: Catnip

Herb of the Month: Catnip

Posted by TriLight Health on Nov 5th 2022

When you hear the word “Catnip” the first thing to cross your mind is likely the stuff that makes cats go crazy. Ironically, this herb has the opposite effect on humans and is known to be very calming … read more
Herb of the Month: Licorice Root

Herb of the Month: Licorice Root

Posted by TriLight Health on Jun 3rd 2022

When most people hear licorice they think about candy. However, the flavor was derived from an herb. (Modern licorice candy tastes more like anise than licorice root)  This herb is still use … read more
Herb of the Day: Peppermint

Herb of the Day: Peppermint

Posted by TriLight Health on Dec 9th 2021

Today's herb may well be the most well-known flavor we'll cover on this blog. It's a flavor that the holidays would be incomplete without for millions of people. Peppermint is widely used both for its … read more
Herbal Digestion Support

Herbal Digestion Support

Posted by TriLight Health on Oct 7th 2021

"Mom, my stomach hurts." These words can make any mama nervous. Tummy troubles are no fun to deal with for adults or kids. Halloween is right around the corner with a busy holiday season at its heels. … read more
Spring Must-Haves

Spring Must-Haves

Posted by TriLight Health on Mar 20th 2021

Today is the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. While parts of the U.S. will be digging out from snow for months to come, other areas are in full Spring mode. This is the time of year for … read more
Herb of the Day: Ginger

Herb of the Day: Ginger

Posted by TriLight Health on Oct 29th 2020

Close your eyes and imagine the sweet/spicy scent and flavor of ginger.  This herb is a favorite in the fall and winter season.  Known as a warming herb, there is a reason why ginger begins … read more
Travel Formulas are 20% off in July!

Travel Formulas are 20% off in July!

Posted by TriLight Health on Jul 9th 2020

Summertime for many folks means travel. While trips may look a little different this year, we wanted to take one thing off your plate for travel plans.  With our brand-new travel category, y … read more